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Self-Trust Coaching

For Entrepreneurs Forging Their Own Path

You KNOW what you want to do, but niggling doubts and emotional overwhelm are getting in the way? 


I know the feeling! Leaving the safety of the beaten track is brave and inspiring, but it's tough too. I navigated this journey myself, and learned how valuable it is to have support. Working with a coach helps you get your body and mind on board with your new plans and dreams. ​


In order for any dream project to stick, I believe we need to get multiple parts of ourselves on board:


Your inner child voice. Your critical parent voice. Your physical nervous system. 

They are all powerful and strong, so let's get them on board with what your adult brain is dreaming up.


Let me tell you how: 

Complementary Discovery Call


To find out what you're looking for, let's have a chat. Before starting a coaching programme or attending an event, this free call checks that we're both on the same page about how I can help you.

Yin Yoga Practice


Our doubts usually creep in when we're in fight or flight and our bodies are under too much stress. Come back to your centre with my pre-recorded class (coming soon), or book in for a bespoke 1-2-1.  â€‹


Guided Meditation & Breathwork


Take my pre-recorded class (coming soon), or book in for a bespoke 1-2-1.  â€‹


 'The Self-Trust Programme' 


A six-session programme, either in-person or online, to bring all parts of yourself in line with your vision. 


You'll learn how to listen to your body and know what it needs. We'll try a variety of energy management techniques and reflect on which are best for you. I'll hold space for the things you need to say, do, or be, to allow yourself to trust in your dream plan. We'll set actionable steps to move you closer to sharing your gifts with the world.

Stepping Off The Path Workbook


Explore your deeply rooted stories and beliefs in my downloadable workbook, and begin to re-write the narrative in a way that best suits you, now, as you are today. This is a low-cost option to start you on your dream project exploration...




How Would You Like To Start?

Watch Yin Yoga or Breathwork & Meditation

coming soon

Download  'Stepping Off The Path' Workbook

coming soon

About Me

Meditation, Mindfulness and Wellness Coach (ICF accredited)


Blue Health Coach (ICF accredited)


It's so important to find a wellness coach who is a good fit for you - this is why most will offer a complimentary discovery call before you start your sessions. 


My coaching style is gentle and sensitive, but this doesn't mean we stay at a surface level. I am intuitive and driven, passionate about supporting my coachees to dream big and flourish - whatever this looks like for you.


I also run workshops and retreat days, so if you'd like to come along to one of those and get a feeling for how I work before committing to coaching, I'd love to see you there.


Emily x


Contact Me About Coaching

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"The tools that Emily provided have supported my work and will continue to support me in the future as I continue to apply them."

How I Have Helped:

"Emily guides her sessions with such ease while ensuring the focus of each session is met.
Her coaching approach is kind and open and allows for deeply transformational change."
"It challenged me to think about things differently and how journaling can help me stay positive and build resilience on days when life is more challenging."
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